Monasterio San Miguel de Biota de Cinco Villas Zaragoza - Stone mason signes - UNREGISTERED VERSION

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Monasterio San Miguel de Biota de Cinco Villas Zaragoza


- Trinitas 7%, Filius 16%, Spiritus 11%, Alfa 4%, Omega 2%, Stonemasons 59%, Power 2%.
- Pater and Maria are absent. Square followed by Greek Cross predominate.
- In Apse with only 8 signs has 6 Omega.
- The same signs as in the total predominate on the Walls Nave.
- It coexist the three types of Square.
- The Stonemason peaks have a peculiar shape.
- This church raises doubts over its constructor. The western door tympanum  has the same composition, technique, and resemblance with that of Agüero; the only difference is the six-pointed star. It seems clear the involvement of Agüero's Master (see this church in If so, and it believed that the construction date is late twelfth century, while Agüero could be prior to1150; the dates do not fit for the life of Master of Agüero or do not fit the construction dates of these churches.
- The day I made the study of the signs of this church, I met Fernando Ezquerra who explained that Augustinians Canons were the founders of this church. He showed me the Gaelic inscription on the western door and seems to give the date of 1144 which would fit the building dates of this church with Agüero. He also spoke about his work on the importance of Duns Scotus in Romanesque. I am grateful for their illustrative explanations.


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