Censer - Stone mason signes - UNREGISTERED VERSION

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The stonemason's signs > Main signs

The incense symbolizes Christ-God. The smoke and perfume of incense mean the divinity in Christ. The incense burned in the censer rises the smoke to Heaven. In the Gospel of Matthew 2:11 is read: "The three Kings fell down worshiped him and opening their treasures, they offered him gold, incense and myrrh". The Christian tradition has identified these treasures with attributes of Christ: gold as King, incense as God and myrrh as Man.

Santa María de Toro (Zamora), Catedral de Santiago de Compostela, San Isidoro de León, San Esteban de Montoto de Ojeda (Palencia), San Pedro de las Dueñas (León), Santa María del Azogue (Benavente, Zamora), Santa María de Huerta (Soria), San Juan del Mercado (Benavente, Zamora),

Read more in The stonemason’s signs in the Romanesque churches in Spain.

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